Glucose: the form of sugar that circulates in the door provides the major source of energy
- glucose low= hunger
- glucose high = feel full
- the hormone insulin converts glucose to fat
Lateral hypothalamus: when stimulated it makes you hungry
-when lesioned (destroyed) you will never be hungry again
Ventromedial hypothalamus: when stimulated you feel full
-when lesioned, you will never feel full again
There are several environmental factors that affect out hunger
- Availability of food
- Learned preference and habits
- Stress
Set point theory: the hypothalamus acts like a thermostat
- wants to maintain a stable weight
- activate the lateral and when you diet and activate the ventromedial when you start to gain weight
Bulimia nervosa: characterized by binging (eating large amounts of food) and purging (getting rid of the food)
Anorexia nervosa: starve themselves to below 85% of their normal body weight
- see themselves as fat
- vast majority are women
Obesity: severely overweight to the point where it causes health issues
- mostly eating habits but some people are predisposed towards obesity
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