Friday, March 6, 2015


Emotion: response of the whole organism
-psysiological arousal
-expressive behaviors
-conscious experience

James Lange theory of emotion: experience of emotion is awareness if physiological response to emotion arousing stimuli

Cannon-bard theory of emotion: emotion arousing stimuli
simultaneously trigger:

  • physiological responses 
  • subjective experience of emotion
Schachter's two factor theory: to experience emotion one must:
  • be physically aroused
  • cognitively label the arousal
Polygraph: machine commonly used in attempts to detect lies
  • measures several of the physiological responses accompanying emotion 
  • perspiration
  • cardiovascular
  • breathing changes
  • emotional release
  • hypothesis
  • "releasing aggressive energy (through action or fantasy) relieves aggressive urges
Feel good, do good phenomenon: tendency to be helpful when already in a good mood

Adaptation level phenomenon: tendency to form judgments relative to a "neutral" level 
  • brightness of lights 
  • volume of sound
  • level of income
  • defined by our prior experience
Relative deprivation: perception that one is worse off relative to those with whom one compared oneself

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