Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Stage theorists: these psychologists believe that we travel from stage to stage throughout our lifetimes

Sigmund Freud

  • we all have a libido (sexual drive)
  • our libido travels to different areas of our body throughout our development
  • if we become preoccupied with any area, Freud said we have become fixated on it
Oral stage (0-1)
  • seek pleasure through our mouths 
  • babies put everything in their mouths
  • psychological task-weaning
Anal stage (1-3)
  • psychological task-toilet training
  • libido is focused on controlling waste and expelling waste
Phallic stage (3-6)
  • children first recognize their gender 
  • psychological task-identify with the same sex parent
  • causes conflict in families with the Oedipus and Electra complexes
Latency stage (6-11)
  • libido is hidden
  • cooties stage
  • conflicts from earlier stages remain dormant or below the surface
Genital stage (11 and up)
  • libido is focused on their genitals
  • experience sexual feelings towards others
  • conflicts from early childhood reappear
Criticisms of Kohlberg
  • Carol Gillian pointed out that Kohlberg only tested boys
  • bots tend to have a more absolute value of morality
  • girls tend to look at situational factors

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