Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Conditioning and Learning

Operant conditioning: a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by reinforcement or diminished it followed by punishment

Classical v operant
-they both use acquisition, discrimination, SR, generalization and extinction
-classic conditioning is automatic (respondent behavior) dogs automatically salivate over beat, then bell -no thinking involved
-operant conditioning involves behavior where one can influence their environment behaviors which was have consequences (operant behavior)

Edward thorndike: law of effect; rewarded behavior is likely to occur

Shaping: a procedure in operant conditioning which rein enforcers guide behavior closer and closer towards a goal

Reinforcer: any event that strengthens the behavior it follows

Positive reinforcement: strengthens a response by presenting a stimulus after a response

Negative reinforcement: strengthens a response by reducing or removing an aversive stimulus

Primary reinforcement: an innately reinforcing stimuli an

Conditioned (secondary) enforcement: a stimulus that gains it  reenforcing power through it's association with a primary reinforcement

Continuous rein enforcement: reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs

Partial reinforcement:
-reinforcing a response only part of the time
- the acquisition process is slower
-greater resistance to extinction

Fixed ratio schedule: a schedule that reinforces a response only after a  number of responses

Variable ratio schedule: a schedule of reinforcement that reinforces a response after a unpredictable number of responses

Fixed interval schedule: a schedule of reinforcement that reinforcement that reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed

Variable interval schedule: a schedule of reinforcement that reinforces a response at unpredictable time intervals
-ex: pop quizzes

Punishment: meant to decrease a behavior
▫️positive punishment: addition of something unpleasant
▫️negative punishment (omission training): removal of something pleasant
-punishment works best when it is immediately done after behavior and if it is harsh!

Token economy: every time a desired behavior is performed, a token is given
-they can trade tokens in for a variety of prizes (reinforcers)
-used in homes, prisons, mental institutions and schools

Observational learning: we learn through modeling behavior from others
-observational learning + operant conditioning = social learning theory

Latent learning: Edward toleman
-sometimes learning is not immediately evident

Insight learning: Wolfgang Kohler and his chimpanzees
-some animals learn through the "ah ha" experience

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